It's Best to Start Small
One of the truly great attributes of Lean Manufacturing is that (unlike some other methodologies), with lean you can start small -- and then grow from there. In fact, a Lean implimentation aften begins with a single machine or process -- or even a single metric within that single machine.
After achieving success with the first implimentation of Lean Manufacturing, one can expand the process to other machines. The basic approach to starting a single-machine Lean approoach is as follows:
After achieving success with the first implimentation of Lean Manufacturing, one can expand the process to other machines. The basic approach to starting a single-machine Lean approoach is as follows:
Once you are satisfied that you have a habitual program, consider introducing the next lean tool. Select the one which will give you the biggest return for your business.
• Senior management to agree and discuss their lean vision
• Management brainstorm to identify project leader and set objectives
• Communicate plan and vision to the workforce
• Ask for volunteers to form the Lean Implementation team (5-7 works best, all from different departments)
• Appoint members of the Lean Manufacturing Implementation Team
• Train the Implementation Team in the various lean tools - make a point of trying to visit other non competing businesses which have implemented lean
• Select a Pilot Project to implement – 5S is a good place to start
• Run the pilot for 2–3 months - evaluate, review and learn from your mistakes
• Roll out pilot to other factory areas
• Evaluate results, encourage feedback
• Stabilize the positive results by teaching supervisors how to train the new standards you've developed
Steps in LEAN
• Design a simple manufacturing system
• Recognize that there is always room for improvement
• Continuously improve the lean manufacturing system design